Be honest with yourself. If you're thinking about taking that first step and working from home you'd better get one thing straight from the start. Your time will never be your own again! (not for a long time atleast)
So you've heard all the hype about what it's like to work from home;
- More free time to enjoy life
- More money in your back pocket
- No boss banging down your door
You've been told all the positives about working from home and you've either taken the plunge or are thinking about it.
Well, let's be honest with one another here...
If you're looking for an easy life then maybe working from home, running a home based business or adding a second income to your portfolio of acheivements is not for you. Maybe we should get that straight right from the start so that you don't get too disappointed when your first commission cheque comes through the door from the company you've just joined last month and you see those numbers trying to mascarade as something you can pay into your bank account without the cashier laughing at you. Okay, so you haven't actually done anything all month but people said it was going to be easy, didn't they?
Well here's the bad news...
Wake up! Nothing in this life is easy.
If you want success you have to work for it. It's painful at times whether you work at home, in an office or on a tall ship. But if you really want to change your future then this might just be your only option so perhaps you should think long and hard about why you came into your latest opportunity or if you're still out there looking in take a few minutes and look in the mirror.
If what you see is someone who's content with his or her lot, whose salary is nice and steady and predictable and whose future will be just the same and if you're happy with that person you see in the mirror then maybe you should stick with the day job...
Some people want a regular job, a small pension at the end of it and a holiday with the kids every three or four years.
If you're not one of them, do something about it.
Take action and work. Work every day of the week if that's what it takes to get your efforts off the ground. If that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
As for Sundays...
I'll leave that one with you.