Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Morning...

It's Sunday morning and the rain is falling on the mountains of West Cork, Ireland, as I look out of the window across the fields to the back of my wonderful home.

My children are climbing a fallen tree in the woods across the way and laughing as our chocolate labrador attempts to do the same with little success.

This is a wild part of Ireland, for those of you who don't know it, with stray cats and dogs that walk the narrow lanes like New York street gangs and old men who pose as tourist attractions in the pubs and bars, their faces covered with lines that show the world their wisdom.

For me this is home. This is where I work from home. This is where I belong.

The last week has been fairly hectic as I start to roll out my plan to expand my home based business in Ireland across the water to the United Kingdom. A small step on the map and a narrow stretch of water compared to the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans but from a business perspective very different and quite unique.

I lived in the UK for many years- so know the people well and have a good feeling for what works and what doesn't - and yet this step feels enormous and potentially life changing. For some that's exactly what it will be. For those who choose to take action.

So here I sit, pondering and contemplating, planning and structuring the way I like to do to get things just right- building my empire one day at a time.

Enjoy your Sunday morning my friend...