Saturday, July 5, 2008

So You Had Your Heart Broken By A Network Marketer?

I had a call earlier today from a new member of the team who decided that today was the day she would leave the business.

One week after starting...

Okay that's not uncommon in network marketing so I shouldn't be surprised or dissapointed. It's all about the numbers, after all. But I am. An old hand like me and yes I'm still disappointed.

The problem is this...

For the price of a sandwich in London this lady has been given an opportunity to build an income over time unlike anything she could ever dream of. Beyond all her hopes and imagination. Beyond her wildest dreams.

And a week into the business she quit. Just like that. Another one bites the dust as they say.


Because she just couldn't take the pressure of possibility and impossibility took over.

She had failed before and she would fail again she assured me (the first assurance I had had in a week).

She had had her heart broken by a network marketer once before and wasn't going down that road again.


So there we have it. An old flame had burned her and there was no way she would go back to the fire. Goodbye, fairwell and good luck!

And then I got to thinking again...

It's not about what's in front of a person it's about the person in front of the business opportunity. It's not about the team you join but what you bring to the team and what you do with your time. It's not about what works but who learns.

So here goes...

If you want to kick tyres around for the rest of your days pretending to want to run a home based business keep kicking those tyres. Don't give up the day job and don't even ask to come along for any length of a free ride. This bus is full of paying passengers.

But if you're willing to learn, study and build a lifelong residual income maybe we can work something out....

So if you're looking to recruit people into your business remember this old saying 'work with the workers' and only give up what you're asked for.

If not, you'll kill yourself trying...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

some interesting information there, my website is if you're interested in taking a look