Saturday, December 20, 2008
'Want To Know Something Amazing About This MLM Cat Of Mine?
MLM landed on our door a couple of years back - the way cats do sometimes. She was a bit rough at the edges and looked like a good meal would be easily lost on her skinny frame. We didn't want a cat. Never wanted a cat (nothing against them but our middle child has allergies and her eyes blow up like Marty Feldman and we've three dogs who like the idea of chasing anything that moves).
So we fed her. Yeh, I know, not the best idea ever but she was hungry.
And we agreed as a family she wouldn't be allowed in the house and would make a bed for her in the shed if she wanted it.
But, as cats do, she didn't see it the same way and spent the first couple of months on the window ledge, looking in when we were eating as a family and tapping on the glass to see if we would open the door and throw her some food. She was just being herself and we liked that so let her stay.
After a while we would leave the window open a little and throw food through it every so often to keep her quiet (she had started to meeow loudly by then and the tapping on the window was almost non stop).
Then one day she made her way in through the window and sat beside us as a family while we ate supper. This was a persistent cat you understand.
So we fed her again. Yeh, I know, not the best idea but she was pretty entertaining to have around and the kids loved her meeowing as we ate.
And we agreed as a family she was only allowed in at meal times and all other times she would be outside.
But as cats do (and great networkers too) she had other ideas. MLM persisted, she made her meeows more amazing and entertaining (she even started to meeow when we were talking as a family at meal times as though she were agreeing or disagreeing) and we were smitten. Smitten with this amazing big MLM kitten if you want to know. She had got through the door and we were hooked!
7.00am this morning and MLM is walking on top of my head to wake me from my slumber beneath the duvet. She wants her breakfast and she's just letting me know. Honest and to the point so I get up and I feed her some fresh salmon from the fridge. I know, not a great idea but this is a long term relationship and you have to make a few sacrifices don't you...?
So, if you're struggling with your network marketing business, or any other home based business in fact, take a few tips from MLM.
Be persistent
Be entertaining
Be amazing
Be focused
Be honest
Be yourself
Follow MLM on
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Long And Winding Network Marketing Road
We have christened this place 'The Long And Winding Network Marketing Road' and I'll explain why...
I take our three dogs here once a week with the family to blow out a few cobwebs, drag myself away from the social media drug I seem increasingly addicted to and give my wife and three children a few hours of family time with dad (whether they want it or not!)...
The dogs love it. It's wild and rugged with all kinds of distractions along the way and plenty to sniff, smell, roll in and occasionally consume and at the end there is the lake; blue and deep and free for all to take their share.
The dogs know this place well by now of course. They have seen the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and drank from the lake, swam in it and chased geese across it in the Summer and when we take our walk each week they have the same choices to make.
They can race towards the lake, head down, forcing anyone in their way to either run for cover or follow their frantic lead.
They can take their time, enjoy what the jorney has to offer them, maybe even see if they can make a few good friends along the way or learn something no other dogs know.
They can think about the size of the lake and wonder if there will be anything left for them to drink when they finally get there, racing headlong towards it.
They can tell a few good friends where the lake is and what a great and wonderful place it is. Maybe there are other lakes and rivers they might find along the way, who knows?
If you hadn't guessed I'll tell you what they do. They stroll, play, roll in the long grass and meander on and off the road like three old friends returning home after a long night on the black stuff. They enjoy each and every second of their journey along 'The Long And Winding Network Marketing Road' and when they reach the lake they take what they need and leave the rest behind, after all there is more than enough to go around.
And every week with every walk I notice how much pleasure they take from the journey. You can race towards the lake, leaving your family and friends wondering where you have gone and who you are or you can take your time, focus on the end but enjoy the ride along the way. Swim in the ocean when you get there but don't forget to dip your toes in the river along the way.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
How To Lead Your Social Media Marketing Tribe
Danny McDermott was a small boy with a square head, buck teeth and ears that turned red in Winter. He was one of those kids who found school tough going. Even so, Danny was the first leader I had ever known.
He was the youngest of three brothers from Belfast who came to our school just before Christmas and took the place by storm. I was six at the time but I can remember it like it was yesterday...
You see Danny had a unique gift which he used to amuse, entertain and intrigue his followers with in the school yard. He could hold a ball on his foot for hours, catch it on the back of his neck and balance it on the end of his nose like a seal to the amusement of all who followed him. Danny was one of the greatest soccer players I have ever seen.
But Danny wasn't naturally gifted, in fact I'd say he was clumsy at most things, but what made him special was his dedication to learning new skills and practising them until they seemed second nature.
Only nobody ever realised this.
He would practise each and every day for hours, improving his knowledge of how the ball should be worked, how to recognise his strengths and focus on them and how to teach others to master the same tricks that had made him popular, so that they could feel good about themselves and not foolish.
Then one day, for no reason, Danny picked up the ball and placed it beneath his arm. Then he began to run. And a strange thing happened...
His followers ran too...
One by one at first, then quickly in small groups racing behind one another like middle distance runners. Within minutes Danny had the whole playground, seventy or eighty kids in total, running behind him while he charged ahead smiling like he'd never smiled before.
Danny's tribe of followers smiled too and you know even today I can remember their faces. They believed in him see and he could have ran out the school yard and away through the fields and they would have ran too, each and every one of them without question, following Danny wherever he went.
Stop trying to work out which marketing system will work for you and start to understand how the tribe works and maybe one day you can run like Danny McDermott.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Homer's Odyssey...
Like Homer, it has taken me a long while and many work from homr adventures and exploits and a few disappointments to realise this is truly where I belong and as my children sit by the fire, warming their skin and bones and wondering what Santa Claus will place on the hearth a few days from now, I begin to wonder what will be my story in 2009 and how will I tell it...
Will it be delivered with humour or sorrow. With love or passion. With hope or fear. With regret or with promise...
I hope my story, and your story, will be delivered with all these things and more. And for that, people will listen.
So, tell your story. It is your unique gift and one which others will share with you like warm bread through laughter, sorrow, hope and promise, taking them to a place far away from where they began.
Tell your story...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Can You Really Blog Your Way To The Bank?
If your blog is failing to generate an income and struggling to attract traffic then listen up...
The truth is that these things take time. You must learn the secrets of effective blog marketing and consistently apply them over time if you want to reap the rewards of google ranking, consistent traffic and a loyal list of blog followers.But there are a few simple things you can do to begin with which will get you on the right track.
Here is my list of ten simple steps to blogging for beginners;
1. Decide what your blog strategy is going to be and make a plan.
2. If you're looking to build your profile then be clear about who you are and what you do from your first post so your readers will know who they are listening to and why.
3. If you're looking to attract business partners then tell them why they should work with you and not every other business builder out there in blogsville.
4. If you're trying to attract sales for your product or income for your company then learn how to market your product effectively. What makes it unique, desirable, and why should your customers buy from you?
5. Learn to understand keywords and the power of blog marketing so that you can drive targetted traffic to your blog.
6. Learn to set up an effective data capture form on your page to allow you to build your profile through emails and autoresponders. Customer relationship management is essential for any business to survive online.
7. Offer value to your followers and they will return. If your blog is based around entertainment then be entertaining. If your aim is to educate your followers about online marketing and build your profile then keep ahead of the game, learn what the latest online techniques are and apply them, talk about them and ask your followers to review them.
8. Write good content and keep to the story. Google will crawl all over your page in milliseconds to see if it looks relevent for your target audience, searching out keywords, monitoring popularity and reviewing originality and will reward you for your effort and relevence so take the time to improve your writing skills and this will pay off.
9. Keep busy. Post every week or twice a week if you have the time. Google will look for activity as well as content coming from your blog so a little and often is the key to improving your google page ranking.
10. Enjoy what you are doing. If you don't enjoy it then it's fair to say that nobody else will either.
If you're looking for more information on online marketing or have a few ideas of your own to add to my list feel free to leave a comment. If you're new to online marketing and looking to generate more sales. Attract more customers or simply build a positive profile for your business maybe this link will help.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Network Marketing In The Twenty First Century
Network marketing has changed quite a bit over the last fifty years or so from it's door to door beginnings, through the golden age of hotel meetings, the three foot rule, flyers, posters and newspaper ads to the era of online marketing and the power of the internet.
During those years, networkers have gone from peddling vacuum cleaners, delivering catologues door to door and selling cosmetics to making millions in a matter of months with an effective online marketing system. And when the goldrush began the prospectors followed, and then more followed, and more followed until finally the internet was full of networkers looking for customers.
Time went by and the clever guys (and gals) Mike Dillard, Eben Pagan, Ann Seig, and a few others realised it was time to start selling shovels and stop panning for gold. Teach marketers how to market for customers and stop chasing customers and the world's your oyster, at least the network marketing world.
So, magnetic sponsoring was born and attraction marketing followed in many different guises and soon the online marketing world was full of people pretending not to be networkers and doing whatever they could do to avoid telling anyone what they did for a living. Why? Because nobody likes to be sold and the salesman was dead in the street. So we began to coach, mentor, provide valuable content to help others grow and build their business.
The result; a sea of online talent unimaginable five years or maybe even three years ago. Thanks Mike, Eben, Ann your work is much appreciated!
But where does it go from here?
Like most things in life it will go full circle in the twenty first century. The old saying 'customer is king' will, I believe, return to demand a return to the beginning once again. Only this time the customer will be more educated, informed, experienced and demanding.
So, if you're to survive in this new era what will you need to know?
How to target your customers worldwide to build long term, stable income instead of constantly fighting attrition as your team leave to find the next big thing.
How to market your product to offer real value to those customers month after month
How to use the internet to reach millions of potential customers in seconds
How to lead your team to a never ending supply of customers
How to build a massive organisation while hardly being noticed by your competitors, after all if the cat gets out the dogs will follow.
How to identify your niche and maintain your market share without breaking the bank
If you're not able to do these things then you need to learn and if you are unable to understand find yourself a good teacher. Either way, stay in the game, learn how to leverage your time, skills and contacts effectively and be consistent. Not for a day or a week but for months and years until you begin to understand the business and discover the secrets of online customer acquisition.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday Morning...
My children are climbing a fallen tree in the woods across the way and laughing as our chocolate labrador attempts to do the same with little success.
This is a wild part of Ireland, for those of you who don't know it, with stray cats and dogs that walk the narrow lanes like New York street gangs and old men who pose as tourist attractions in the pubs and bars, their faces covered with lines that show the world their wisdom.
For me this is home. This is where I work from home. This is where I belong.
The last week has been fairly hectic as I start to roll out my plan to expand my home based business in Ireland across the water to the United Kingdom. A small step on the map and a narrow stretch of water compared to the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans but from a business perspective very different and quite unique.
I lived in the UK for many years- so know the people well and have a good feeling for what works and what doesn't - and yet this step feels enormous and potentially life changing. For some that's exactly what it will be. For those who choose to take action.
So here I sit, pondering and contemplating, planning and structuring the way I like to do to get things just right- building my empire one day at a time.
Enjoy your Sunday morning my friend...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sunday Morning - Is It Still A Day Of Rest When You Work From Home?
Be honest with yourself. If you're thinking about taking that first step and working from home you'd better get one thing straight from the start. Your time will never be your own again! (not for a long time atleast)
So you've heard all the hype about what it's like to work from home;
- More free time to enjoy life
- More money in your back pocket
- No boss banging down your door
You've been told all the positives about working from home and you've either taken the plunge or are thinking about it.
Well, let's be honest with one another here...
If you're looking for an easy life then maybe working from home, running a home based business or adding a second income to your portfolio of acheivements is not for you. Maybe we should get that straight right from the start so that you don't get too disappointed when your first commission cheque comes through the door from the company you've just joined last month and you see those numbers trying to mascarade as something you can pay into your bank account without the cashier laughing at you. Okay, so you haven't actually done anything all month but people said it was going to be easy, didn't they?
Well here's the bad news...
Wake up! Nothing in this life is easy.
If you want success you have to work for it. It's painful at times whether you work at home, in an office or on a tall ship. But if you really want to change your future then this might just be your only option so perhaps you should think long and hard about why you came into your latest opportunity or if you're still out there looking in take a few minutes and look in the mirror.
If what you see is someone who's content with his or her lot, whose salary is nice and steady and predictable and whose future will be just the same and if you're happy with that person you see in the mirror then maybe you should stick with the day job...
Some people want a regular job, a small pension at the end of it and a holiday with the kids every three or four years.
If you're not one of them, do something about it.
Take action and work. Work every day of the week if that's what it takes to get your efforts off the ground. If that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
As for Sundays...
I'll leave that one with you.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
So You Had Your Heart Broken By A Network Marketer?
One week after starting...
Okay that's not uncommon in network marketing so I shouldn't be surprised or dissapointed. It's all about the numbers, after all. But I am. An old hand like me and yes I'm still disappointed.
The problem is this...
For the price of a sandwich in London this lady has been given an opportunity to build an income over time unlike anything she could ever dream of. Beyond all her hopes and imagination. Beyond her wildest dreams.
And a week into the business she quit. Just like that. Another one bites the dust as they say.
Because she just couldn't take the pressure of possibility and impossibility took over.
She had failed before and she would fail again she assured me (the first assurance I had had in a week).
She had had her heart broken by a network marketer once before and wasn't going down that road again.
So there we have it. An old flame had burned her and there was no way she would go back to the fire. Goodbye, fairwell and good luck!
And then I got to thinking again...
It's not about what's in front of a person it's about the person in front of the business opportunity. It's not about the team you join but what you bring to the team and what you do with your time. It's not about what works but who learns.
So here goes...
If you want to kick tyres around for the rest of your days pretending to want to run a home based business keep kicking those tyres. Don't give up the day job and don't even ask to come along for any length of a free ride. This bus is full of paying passengers.
But if you're willing to learn, study and build a lifelong residual income maybe we can work something out....
So if you're looking to recruit people into your business remember this old saying 'work with the workers' and only give up what you're asked for.
If not, you'll kill yourself trying...
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Choosing The Right Domain Name For Your Home Based Business
If you're trying to create a picture of success so that people will follow you into your home based business opportunity you will have to register your own domain name. It's that simple.
Don't get me wrong, it won't exactly lift you to heights you never dreamed of. In fact, these days it is almost expected that you'll have your own domain name for any kind of business you're involved with but if you don't it will most definitely damage your street cred.
As we've talked about before, in network marketing or any other home based business you decide is right for you, you are creating a profile for yourself as well as your business with everything you do. So, start out right and look for the right domain name.
Don't make the mistake of jumping in with the first free domain name that comes back at you as this could be costly. If you fail to select a domain name which creates a picture of success and value for your home based business you will find that people will go elsewhere. People follow leaders and you can expect to see them heading in the opposite direction if you have an email address that goes something like for your will writing business.
If I'm looking for a new domain name for a business I'm promoting I'll take hours and sometimes even days making a list of twenty or thirty different domain names before I even attempt to register one of them. This is essential if you're going to create the right image for your home based business. If you're not a great judge, then take your list around and ask fifty people on the street what image they have in their minds when they read each of your list of potential domain names. I have to say my wife is my preferred reader on this one and someone who I trust to give me an honest appraisal of my suggested domain names.
Remember, the old saying, first impressions count and today with the power of the internet that couldn't be more true. You won't get a second chance with 99.9% of people and the ones who do let you through the door as bigasssuzy are possibly not the ones you will want to take your home based business to the next level.
With your own domain name you will be able to create a personalised and professional email address to support your future correspondence and this is essential if you're going to build your profile and capture customers from the opposition.
A further reason for owning your own domain name in case you're still undecided is that this allows you to use what's called 'redirect' for any affiliate products or links you might wish to promote.
An affiliate link might look something like this;
As you might have guessed already there are a number of problems with this type of link.
- People have a habit of forgetting the number if you're giving them the link over the phone
- People decide to remove the last part of the domain name and have a look at the site themselves.
Affiliate addresses are usually fairly long and difficult to remember and Adwords will prohibit their use simply on character count when placing an add so you will need to redirect from your own domain name to whatever affiliate link you wish to promote. This is very simple and if in doubt go with a tried and tested hosting service like GoDaddy who will do most of the work for you.
All you have to do is use what is called URL redirect or domain forwarding. This is like a postal redirect only faster. You simply instruct the hosting company to redirect all traffic from your site to the affiliate address for the product you are promoting. This allows you to advertise the domain name you selected and not the one your affiliate product company has given you to promote.
A useful tool is to use domain masking on your redirect. This allows you to redirect from your domain to your chosen site without the address changing in the browser window. It basically hides the website address and keeps your original domain name in place. This can be useful if for whatever reason you don't want the customer to recognize the address of the site you're sending them to.
I use a ready made capture page and email responder set up for some of the products I would promote and the domain masking works well here as it retains my profile throughout.
A word of warning though, don't use masking on affiliate products or you're likely to lose around 50% of sales as this can throw off the tracking system for affiliate promotions. Use re-directs only for affiliates.
Here's a list of my top five tips for creating a successful domain name:
- Try to use the key words in the domain name itself
- Go for .COM over any other domain name extension
- Go for a generic domain name which you can use again and again for different promotions
- Go for words and not numbers in your domain name
- Finally, if you can afford it, purchase all other domain name extensions to protect yourself against the opposition .net, .biz, .ws, .org, .ie, and on and on. That way nobody other than you will benefit from misplaced domain name extensions being typed into the browser somewhere along the line.
So there you go.
The next step is to find a domain name which is still available and start to rpomote your home based business with a new face.
Good luck,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Does A Home Based Business Mean No To Bank Holidays?
Well, the truth is out there, as the saying goes and take a look at any successful entrepreneur and they will tell you one thing. You never stop.
It might seem as though you're listening when your partner walks into the room, throws a cup of coffee your way and tells you the kids have just climbed up onto the roof and are throwing slates at the neighbours cat for the fifth time this weekend but the truth is you haven't heard a word of it and so you smile curiously and say something like ' Oh, okay, I'll be with you in a minute. Thanks for the coffee'.
You haven't heard a word because you're too busy looking for that next million.
And listen, if this is you...
It's okay.
really...we understand...we know what it's like to rush down stairs at 3.47am because there's just that something you need to do online because the guy you were talking to an hour ago in Hong Kong promised to get back to you and you're sure he's probably online right now waiting for your reply and besides you're not really that tired.
We understand.
So go do your thing this bank holiday and forget that others around you have different lives.
Yours is exactly that so make the most of it.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Creating a Positive Profile for Your Home Based Business
So many people simply miss this vital part of the business building process. Forget the product. Forget the profit to be made or the pleasure to be found in running your own business. If you don't create the right profile for your home based business you may as well sit back and watch the daisies grow because there won't be too many customers knocking on your door in the near future.
Cutomers, clients, consumers or even new prospects to your MLM will be attracted to you because you have the right profile and will stay well away if you don't.
So, how do you go about creating a positive image for your home based business?
- Do your homework - find out what the leaders in your field are talking about and look at how they are marketing themselves.
- Offer something of value to your customer without trying to dive in for the kill. This can be a free report of some kind or simply a piece of useful advice to help them on their way. If they like what they see they'll come back again.
- Learn, learn and learn some more and pass on your knowledge to others so that they can share in the success that your knowledge brings. This is vital if they are to trust you and be willing to work with you down the road and besides this is the best way to do business. You'll sleep better at night and feel good about yourself.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
What Are Your Home Based Business Options in Ireland and the UK

When you start to look at your work from home options in Ireland and the UK you can very soon be overwhelmed by the number of voices shouting at you from afar and offering you untold riches for very little effort.
The internet is full of get rich quick schemes so be careful and keep your wallet in your pocket.
And remember this simple truth; if it seems too good to be true then it probably is.
There are many work from home scams out there and a few less than scrupulous individuals who are more than happy to offer you the world with their once in a lifetime opportunity just to see you sink without trace several hundred or even thousand euros poorer.
So, my advice to anyone thinking of taking the plunge and looking to start a home based business in Ireland or anywhere else in the world for the first time is very simple but if you haven't heard it before then listen.
Don't pay a penny, cent, dime or franc (I know they don't exist anymore but I still like the sound of the old french franc don't you?) until you have spent at least one month researching what options are out there for you with your home based business.
If it takes longer than a month, then give it that time. Believe me, the next best thing will still be just around the corner in two months time, six months time or even a year from now so no need to rush in all guns blazing.
Do your research and be honest with yourself when you look in the mirror and when the time is right for you to commit to earning your fortune from your home based business then commit to it and you will succeed.
Take the following steps;
- Speak to others who operate a successful home based business and find out what works for them and what doesn't. We're all different remember, so what might be right for me might not be right for you.
- Speak to others who have failed in setting up a home based business (you will learn more from this group so listen carefully)
- Surf the internet to see what home based business opportunities are around and which would be easy to operate in your own country (many online home based business opportunities are solely for the US market and will not, however much your sponsor assures you, translate to a European market)
- Be honest with yourself and list your strengths and weaknesses (they call them challenges these days but let's be honest here) and see where they stand and fall in the business world. Are you a good networker or does the thought of meeting new people turn your stomach? Do you have a hidden talent that you could market? Are you prepared to learn a new skill set and take the time to perfect it in order to build your business over time?
- Decide what you can invest in building your home based business and look for an opportunity or business idea which you can succeed with. It's no good taking on too much too soon or you will simply fall at the first fence. Remember, this is a long run and not a sprint so start with small bites and build up to taking bigger portions once you have started to see some return on your investments (and by investments I mean sweat, blood and tears if that's what it takes to get your home based business off the ground)
- Finally, list the ten things you love about yourself and the ten things you don't and with each home based business idea you come across write down ten things about the ideal person you think would be good at that business. If you score more than five in your good list, you're in with a chance of success. If you score seven and above you could be onto a winner. If you start to see the hate list coming to the fore too often then perhaps you should stick with the day job.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Finding The Right Mentor
Is this me?
* I have a hard drive full of PDF files, e-books, free stuff, and paid for training courses about the secrets of network marketing, but just not making enough money again this month.
* I have tried a bunch of ways over the past couple months or years to build a website to make money, and still find myself with the same old problems.
* I am spending way more than I am making, its taking so much more time than I expected, my partner is about to leave me and I look as though I haven’t slept for a month.
* I have called everybody I have known for the last twenty years at least three times to see if they’ve thought any more about my opportunity.
* I just bought another bunch of leads, spent the evening on the phone again, got rejected again when I called the few that said they wanted a bit more information from my last classified ad, and finally my commission cheque came through the post and I couldn’t even buy a decent meal out of it.
* I have done all the things my mentor or coach that has told me to do, but still just do not have enough people visiting my website or phoning my contact number, or signing up for or buying my offers or asking to join my business opportunity. In fact, the whole thing feels like a bag of s**t! that nobody wants to hold.
So, before you throw the whole thing down the back of the wardrobe, here’s a few things to get you back on track.
GETTING STARTED: (If you haven’t done these things before go back to basics!)
* Learn the 3 Core Principles to Creating Profits in your home based business.
* Study traffic generating, list building, and sales copy writing.
Has anyone ever told you that before? If not listen NOW. You need to study AND learn.
There is no short cut.
The reality is this – if you want to succeed in marketing your home based business online or even off line through classified ads, articles, ezines or any other method using the written word then you need to not only study but learn the basic principles required and to implement them over and over again. Creating profits in your home based business is never easy and involves effort and persistance but with the right advice and support from your mentor this can be achieved.
Finding the right mentor is the key. This is the person who is going to be with you building your strengths and working through your weaknesses, so take your time and find the right person. This person may not be in your upline so you might have to go outside into the cold to look for support. It will be worth it though so take the plunge.
You must take this step, find yourself a true mentor who is successfully working in your specific area of interest, then study and learn the principles of creating profits in your home based business.
And one simple but easily missed tip: Stick with a mentor who you trust and who helps you to deliver. There are plenty of people out there making promises and before you realise you spend your time hopping from one to another like an indecisive kangaroo.
In the online business world, just like offline, it is mandatory that you do the hard work of studying and learning your business, and implement your knowledge and skills in order to create profits, and you must start by finding a true mentor that will coach you, and then study and learn the principles of building a successful home based business.
There are many internet marketers just like yourself creating profits online, simply because they started out finding a mentor and coach, and stayed focused on studying and learning the core principles they needed to pass the creating profits online tests.
They are not smarter than you, they simply have a mentor, and they stay focused on studying and learning the core principles of network marketing.
So if you want to know how to use Internet tools like blogs, articles, Google Adwords, and SEO techniques to generate endless free leads, and instant cash for your home based business?
find the right mentor.
back soon
Friday, April 25, 2008
I hope you'll take the time to read my posts and come back time and time again to learn and teach techniques and ideas to improve your chances of working from home in Ireland.
This site is designed to provide guide to working from home in Ireland and I hope it offers a few useful ideas for anyone new or old to this blog.
Over the years, I have been involved with many different business opportunities and have swam and sunk with the best and worst of them. I have sold water purifiers, distributed thousands of catologues, almost lost my life demonstrating the world's most powerful vacuum cleaner to my father-in-law and have offloaded numerous suspect products on family and friends for longer than I care to remember.
I try not to do too much of that these days.
When people ask me what I do - I usually answer something along the lines of '' I show people how to save money''.
Occasionally, I find that some of them are actually listening to me and then they might ask me to tell them more about it . Most don't bother to ask so I don't push it any further.
If they don't ask, they are not interested - FIRST LESSON!
When they do ask I take my time to answer.
If they do ask, they are interested - SECOND LESSON!!
I take my time because there are a number of different things that I do and have done to generate an income through Network Marketing both online and through more traditional off line ideas.
I take my time because I need to know what they are looking for and what opportunity will be the best one for them and not me - THIRD LESSON!!!
When people are serious about building a home based business there will be a number of things they will need to consider before making the move into whatever opportunity they find in front of them.
Whatever home based business opportunity you find yourself looking at remember there are three types of people in the world;
- Those who take action
- Those who watch others take action
- Those who wonder what the hell happened
If you're the type who takes action then maybe a home based business is for you. If not, don't waste your time and money and try not to worry too much about what might have just happened.
I'll do my best to post regularly and frequently but time is money after all so don't waste time reading when you could be prospecting!